Folks: A couple observationsPrice of gold: Yep, the price of gold does indeed fluctuate. Not long ago, it was much lower. Step back for a moment and look at the state of the world. There is chaos in the EU, ME, China and the US. I could also add Mexico due to the election of a Leftist who may not have a favorable view of mining. Folks who have wealth, obviously not anyone here, have alleged learned advisors who assist them with preserving their wealth. Where do you suppose that these folks are parking that wealth at the moment? Banks? Commercial Real Estate? High Tech NYSE listed Companies? EV manufacturers? Nope, nope, nope, and nope. Gold is a store of wealth and has been since my alien ancestors colonized Earth. Think about all of those wealthy folks standing in line to buy. Do you think that they want to pay market rates. Nope, their agents/brokers/influencers/pretend gurus are out there beating/bashing/crapping on the POG so they can accumulate. There are no "buys" unless there are willing "sellers". Yep, the old "bash and stash" routine so popular on WS. Lastly, do not rule out Political instability/election malfeasance/dementia and outright forceful events that could change the world. Yep, got GOLD? BTW, IAUX has gold in a relatively safer jurisdiction. They have funds to initiate development, recover mineralization and an agreement to refine. Lastly, Ewan is not a Dope. He has a considerable percentage of his wealth tied up in IAUX. Management tends to make decisions in favor of themselves. What is good for Ewan, is good for us. just saying.