Shite Show...or ShakeOut?We ani't drillers watching the core, we ain't in the assay lab, nor are we holding an XRF... so we won't know for sure what is happening until we see it in the rearview mirror (assays).
Only then will we know what we ran over to cause the bumps... or ... we find out what ran over us !
This is what exploration and discovery are all about. It's why we are here.
Survival instincts. Fight or Flight. Buy - Hold - Sell.
I've been buying !!??
Now I wait. Is it a turning into Sh1t show or is this a ShakeOut.
We are experiencing those two fundamental emotions: Fear & Greed !
I smell fear and I feel greed.
Am I right... or am I wrong ? We shall soon know!
Ya Gott Luv It.