RE:As a layman, I've learned one thing about the law. """
What you need worry about isn't the law""" that kinda summ it up !
22% of the copper market controlled by the Reds;/ not today - 90 days but going N2 180 days w 60% of the copper mines saanctioned or trading in barney rubels in shanghi ///~! Mendeleve mada a promise/yesterday.. today Vlad Ru issued an Untimatium
ergo. 700K troops anothet 200K russian regulars across the border.
400K support / 300 of the 7 on the line.
The ultimatium is unconditional surrender
NCI ? As an investor I could see this coming – I added..
the surprise was making payroll as the DIC Chapters proceeded. The reno law firm leading the case is a lobbyist group… the govenor is probably all the way bak to the EU creatures in DC/occupied..
as a footnote.. the russians shipped 2000 tons of the red stuff 2 china – what arrived was slabs of granite/today.. → this afternoon the reds shot down a Boeing AWACS and 2 Navy craft over the crimea.. there is unverified info the russian also splashed another AWACS Platform in the Baltics/today.. the russians also stationed anti-ship in the red sea w sudan and somallia (?) – the hothuis hav sunk reported 5 tankers last few days – hit 2 USN destroyers and the IKE CVN 69
real good possibility DC and the EU occupiers will hav to declare NIC of National Importance.
This is all whishfull thinking – the 350 famlies who have settled to work this mine.. thats another item..
IMHO.. the rumors.. NATO has ammased 300K aroudn poland.. luky in Belaruse is hosting 10 Chicom Divisions (their div’;s are 12,000 equip) on the border above kieve
I bet NCI gets nationalized – just like LAC / First Canacord and pushed out b y Becthel who are now the principals of LAC.. their storks are fine.. the shooting over there has already started – when russian regulars (not contractors) croswsed at Sumy.. Mill Summary on U tube -thats a russian commisar hosted by RIA Novisti -,live time