RE:The graphite fight: US tariffs trigger race to build non-Chimarkenurh,
I'll preface my commentary below by stating much like China's current dominance over the process manufacturing of and export of very roughly 90% battery material components globally, there was a time when for the longest while Russia seemed to have the oil and gas energy needs of larger economies whithin Europe neatly commandeered - just as China had quite easily comandeered not only the U.S. market for the vital importation of battery material components.
There was a time when many calculated that the U.S. was so far behind in trying to get any foothold in exercising any form of control over Europe's oil and gas energy supply needs, Russia "seemed to hold" an unshakeable influence over said energy market.
Alas, we all kow precisely how the U.S. long ago planned to take that "major European economies" oil and gas energy supplier top spot away from Russia; thus having the entire EU enterprise and Europe as a whole dancing to this U.S. Ukraine proxy warmongering beat.
You only need to take note of the immensely profitable fruits which that long ago planned (i.e. planned since Bush Jr's administration and continued through Obama/Biden and importantly throughout DJT presidency as well) engineered, orchestrated and designated Joe biden administration triggered U.S. Government and specifically "NATO leveraged" meddling in Russia's Ukrainian backyard has resulted in.
That necessarily being said, I will suggest that graphite and graphite comprising battery component materials only "seems" to be Washington's "Achilles Heel" in it's trade confrontation with Beijing.
Understand that as pertains to graphite, graphite comprising battery component materials and all other required battery component materials, we know that Washington always kept another proxy war ace up it's sleeve, just as the U.S. Government and NATO member states concertedly pulled out in clearly "originating" that proxy war against Russia.
Like Russia's leadership, China's political leadership has always seen the U.S. Proxy, i.e. Taiwan, being shaped up in order to finally goad China into a war against Taiwan on the U.S. Government's dictated schedule.
China leadership have long known that China has always been "the main mark"; not so much Russia.
The U.S. proxy , i.e. Ukraine, enabled mere dress rehearsal obviously involves Russia; and yet, we know that China will be featured in the real U.S. and U.S. Asia situated allies featuring military performance within China's own Taiwan backyard.
How does all this impact graphite mining within North America, you could ask?
I simply suggest that when planning what will ultimately manifest as an all out physical war involving China, North Korea ET AL vs. Taiwan, Japan, Korea, the U.S. and U.K and all other NATO member state countries, you better have stockpiled all the critical elements necessary for such a war to be pursued and sustained.
Depending on which party wins The White House during November, it could very well be the case that the Chinese leadership would halt any and all exportation of specific critical elements comprising battery materials bound for the U.S and Canada.; thus firing one across the U.S. economy bow.