SILICA vs MOUSSANITE ( Silicon carbide ) Silica - Silica metal with 4 outer Oxygen orbits
= Oxygen is a poir conductor cancells out conductivity
Silicon Carbide - carbon replaces the 4 oxygen with carbon !!!!
= Silica conducts + 4 carbon super conducts
Silicon Carbide ( Moissanite Diamond ) is supreme.
Makes one wonder all the more about the carbon capture control.
Silica Structure ( 1 silicon + 4 oxygen )
Silica Carbide ( 1 silicon + 4 carbon )
What are Quebec Carbon Geaphite juniors waiting for ?
TECH should be their main focus - escape the battery games.
An opinion.
Graphite + Aluminum ( films, plate, chips )
Silicon Carbide ( Dismond ) super chips, electrodes, semiconductors etc....
There.... happy with my resesrch.
Time for some summer fun.