RE:RE:RE:WHERE IS THE DRILL RIG?????....LOL...LOL...LOL....Don't get all in a tizzy, young man.
QMET is consolidating till Big Money takes over......will be in this mode for next 2 weeks,
What is exciting is Matica. Wow, what a ride holding that, eh?
You still getting tips and advice from Boris?
How about the FTM crew. You thanked them for all the money you were going to make.
I don't hear so much about them anymore and I am sure they would be delighted to get another Thank You shout out from you.
Don't forget the folks who made you rich and famous.
jrussellhustles wrote: I can answer any "Qmet" question you have, in fact I would be more than happy to discuss "Qmet" with you on this "Qmet" board because quite honestly I had all but given up on the possibilty of hearing anything other than your LIES, INSULTS and "SIDE STEPPING", ESPECIALLY the 'SIDE STEPPING" that showed you were toooooooooooooooo AFRAID to discuss "Qmet" with me here on this "Qmet" discussion board, so YES, and PLEASE, allow me to answer ANY "Qmet" question you have "Bruser", go ahead, what "Qmet question do you have????......LOL...LOL...LOL...LOL.....Qmet to ZERO????....OH YEAH!!!!!