Budget Adopted.....Whats Next?Finally, budget was adopted today in the House of Common.....so now we can officially say that we have the money to execute the bridge.
So what's next for FL? We have seen the lithium price and stock in the last month dropping, dropping.....for FL sake we are not too troubled by the price dipping by ultimaltely China!
The fundamentals of FL qre strong with great quantities and quality.......and as for the finding other ressources that could be the icing on the cake!
Here's some questions for management?
- Were is the process in regards to permitting for construction and operating the mine?
- 53 MM$ was requested for 50 km of roads......when do we expect a response?
- Will the DFS for phase 1 be out by end of summer ?
- Will there be other partners joining Mitsubishi in the near futur?
- When do expect financing and construction of the plant?
Cheers and dont forget due your DD!