RE:NGC MORNING BRIEF LONG ONEInteresting insight on the various BOD''s tough to see any positives in general as per the BOD in that there has been a very clear lack of leadership and execution overall. Capital markets have been very poorly managed and market messaging has been a absolute disaster; going all the way back to that embarrassing and amateur investor call led by Hugues addressing shareholders...having to read directly off a piece of a paper! That was a joke, but an example of our leaders being unprofessional and looking incompetent.
The lack of zero deliverables for the past two years, nothing of value executed and/or followed through...all the while these guys paying themselves gross amounts of money and compensation for utterly failing at their the sole reason why investors should all be voting to withhold theirs votes on ALL DIRECTORS, and voting NO to the compensation package. What a joke.
When you do not do your job, but get paid like a rockstar, you get fired eventually. This is the real world. The gravy train in the absence of performance needs to end. Vote accordingly.
Enough is enough.