For every Seller...<span style="color:#00ff00;"><strong>...there is a Buyer.</strong></span><br /> I picked up another 40K between 56 and 57 late in the day. <br /> Pi$$ed that I missed high 40s.<br /> Looks like Godzilla is giving the tree a good hard shake... and shakeouts are to remove value from weak hands. Assays will eventually confirm if this trading was '<em>distribution or aggressive accumulation'</em>.<br /> Barick didn't jump in here as a speculation. They studied the geology and the IP Survey before investing their cash. There is more to the current trading than weak hands praying to a Voodoo High Priestess who is poking a prospector doll with a rockhammer.<br /> I'm a believer. <br /> <strong>In both if it helps</strong> - LOL.<br /> <strong>CT.</strong>