RE:RE:The coming NFG PEA and the Advantages of GradeIf NFG was really interested in 7using the Pointe Rousse mill, they may have made a big mistake when they could have got it for next to nothing. I can't understand why they didn't buy it if they were interested. there was a promotional ad that said nfg would make their decision by q2. Well, that deadline is coming up fast.
Perhaps none of their experts thought of using that mill for open pit to bring in dollars. But the silence is causing me and others to be skeptical. If they looked at the idea of toll mining and it didn't work with their plans, neither NFG or MAE would have a requirement to report that. And likely neither would want to.
Should be getting news on the cleanup profits this week. MAE just stated it should be settled in June. Maybe there will be a flurry of news releases in the near future.
My experience with MAE, nothing happens fast. Good Luck. I still hold it..