MGM UNDERSTANDING THE LASSONDE CURVE LIFECYCLE JUNIOR MININGGood morning RAISE your eyes.....LIFT your head.......examine the environment and the market cycle.
Do not fixate on just MGM. our SP IS UNDERVALUED imo
SP will rerate itself when the environment permits such sustainablity.
Which means the market needs VOLUME, its called liquidity.
The market needs the good ole days when school janitors held cannabis stocks hahaha
Dang da dang somebody didn't like mei cheer leaders huh 10 yrs those girls have been cheering the
SH bb and there is always a party pooper in every crowd.
It was an EPIC DAY yesterday I truly thought the bb should be cheering that great Newswire!!
Tough crowd here! ahhaha NO cheering allowed,,,,community warning ahhah lmfaso!!!!!
The Lassonde curve is a graphical representation of the typical lifecycle of a Junior Mining Company from Exploration to Development. It breaks the cycle down into distinct stages each, of which is important for investors to understand in order to guide their expectations and make better investment decisions!