RE:Good Post from (Xronly)Lets take a look at how long this technology has been around. These are all from 2008.
The company as it exists today was incorporated in 2014. It began trading as XRO.CN on the Canadian Securities Exchange in 2017. That is one heck of a long time for a technology to be in existence without any revenue to show for it. Last quarter the revenue from Coil Driver rounds down to zero.
Tesla started producing the roadster in 2008. So basically Tesla and Exro got going at about the same time. How many generations of vehicle has Tesla produced since then? How many other battery electric and hybrid vehicle have been designed and delivered to market since then? How many of those vehicles have a Coil Driver in them?
Wether you put 2 amps into two parallel coils or 1 amp into the same coils connected in series you still have 1 amp in each coil, and the same torque. Moreover, the maximum current in a coil is still the same so you have the same maximum torque, and the heat produced is the same, hence the same efficiency.