GUESS THAT SPECIMEN ? ( former post ) Did you guess graphite ?
Look like graphite.
Has the grey black silvery look.
Has a resemblance of, flakes and sheet like surface.
If you guessed ANTHRACITE you're correct.
Graphite is conidered high grade coal
Anthracite is also condidered high grade coal.
Graphite, flake
weighs 0.641 gram per cubic centimeter or
641 kilogram per cubic meter
Molecular Weight
= 207.2
Other web searches say,
The highest grade of coal is anthracite coal,
one cubic meter of anthracite would have a mass of 1300 to 1400 kg.
Molecular Weight
Pb = 207.2 g/mole
Interesting, eh ?
Lead and Anthracite have same molecular weight.
1 cubic meter of Lead ?
Lead weighs 11.342 gram per cubic centimeter or 11 342 kilogram per cubic meter,
i.e. density of lead is equal to 11 342 kg/m³
That's 11.3 tonnes per cubic meter !!!
Is all graphite the same ?
GEM's 43 101
Applied 2.9 ore mass
Each cubic meter = 2,900 kg's
Did the Geo writing the 43 101
apply a standard graphite weight to calculate resource ?
What if....
Berkwood's greasy cores weigh more.... have more density ?
Do they border anthracite geology ?
What's the carbon content of Anthracite ?
Prepare yourself...
Wopping -----------> 240 C ( amazing )
Notice anything ?
H90 ---------> hydrogen bonds ----------> Hydrogen sequester / storage capability
Huge World Interests wanting to store hydrogen
One look at epr's photo on ( geo boot )
Hard not to think....anthracite.
Anthracite deposits
Oil sands
Diamond mine tailings
US did what to coal and lead ?
Shut down US mines.
Now buys graphite from other countries.
Let's ask how important are, carbon coal, lead, for energy creation storage ?
Real important.
During C-ov-id what happened ?
some convincing other countries to stop coal, oil, etc....
What did China do ?
Exact opposite.
They upticked their coal reserves ( bought all the more )
CARBON is proving to be the... super mineral.
Energy creation, storage, solar, quantum computing mixed with silica. ( syn diamonds )