SRI LANKI PANKY ? It is said,
Sri Lanka has the highest grade graphite world over.
Really -------> let's take a dive into this subject.
Carbon Group Family
carbon, silicon, germanium, tin, and lead
= Superb conductors
Metalloids ( not quite a metal )
Boron, germanium, silicon, antimony, arsenic, tellurium and pollanium
= superb conductors
What if ?
Graphitics comprised a portion of ( Carbon Family + Metalloids ) ?
= You'd have a ( nature made ) super conductive formula.
Cost to hybridize metals, carbons ???
= Big Bucks to create new refractory metals ( resistent to decomposition, oxidation, rust )
Nature has already created ( graphitics ) from carbon family,
and each are highly conductive then... i would think graphite should have this feature
already baked into it's price.... does it ?
I'd say... could be higher. Nature has performed some terriffic metallurgy, or carbonurgy lol
Throw in...
Metalloids + Carbonoids = SUPER CONDUCTORS
Sulphur is treated in industry as, nonmetal, non carbon,
yet conductive.
Aluminum is well debated being nonmetal, and metal
Titanium is nonmetal
Vanadium is transitional metal
Salts ? Sodium, Calcium, Potassium, etc....
Some refer to as, metals but are they ?
They form crystals, and well..... i'm leaning towards calling everything an ELEMENT
Elements that interact and transition, with carbon, acids, gases and other elements.
How does ( one ) Sri Lanka
graphite junior measure it's graphite grade ?
Ceylon Graphite
Gravimetric analysis: Definition, Steps,Types, Advantages, Disadvantages
- i) Preparation of solution.
- II) Precipitation.
- III) Filtration and washing of precipitate.
- IV) Drying.
- V) Ignition.
- VI) Heating to constant weight.
Gravimetric analysis is broadly classified into following types:
Precipitation Gravimetry
Volatilization Gravimetry
Electro Gravimetry
Thermo Gravimetry
Gravimetry = Broad Analysis
Several processes
BUT - which test did Ceylon use to determine - 99.2 % Carbon ?
What if it were ( Electro Gravimetry )
What if..... several other elements were present,
assisting the electro gravimetry - suping up the electro charge and assigning it
to a carbon value ?
Sri Lanka Graphite
Looks like, galena, lead, tin, germanium, etc....
Bluish Sulphide effect
Metallic effect
Now.... let's compare Anthracite ( Coal )
Anthracite Coal Composition
Carbon − 77% ·
Ash − 6-16% ·
Trace elements like: ·
Sulfur − 0.23-1.2% ·
Silica oxide − 2.2-5.4% ·
Alumina − 2% ·
Ferric oxide - 0.4%
Anthracite doesn't have high sulphur therefore,
it's a real hum dinger to ignite ( burn )
Labs, ( from what i've read ) use 1000 degrees to test graphite.
Anthracite requires 2500 degrees to start decomposition.
Sri Lanka specimens resemble ( Anthracite )
Especially with Ceylon's 99.2% carbon ????
Again, was electro gravimeter employed to assess it's electro conductivity ?
What if.... carbon group, and metalloids were present ?
What i'm not seeing ?
CO2 carbon.
Which would express an actual combustion.
With such high values of CARBON
is it really graphite ?
Or.... coal species like ----------> anthracite ?
Graphite grade pissing contest wouldn't be quite fair,
IF, if, if..... some deposites of high carbon auch as ( Anthracite ) are being labelled graphite,
now would it ?
I veer from LOI carbon content
I run with Gravimeter
1000 degrees only teases my speciment a solidifies it ( melds all minerals ) more
Some ash or residue can be measursed
BUT.... majority remains a silvery metallic, carbonic mass.
What do i do ?
I test it's electro conductivity.
It measure very high.
I assume its.... carbon content - based on high conductivity ?
Did other carbons, lead, tin, germanium, or metalloids assist in conductivity ?
Which Begs...
When is graphite no longer a Graphite and more like.... Anthracite ?
Are some graphitic deposits moreso, Anthracite ?
Due to their high ( maybe assumed ) carbon content ?
Do Sri Lanka deposits test CO2 emissions like Quebec Junioes ?
What if ?
Quebec Graphite Juniors tested their ore based on, conductivity ( raw ores )
Would ( aluminum, silica metal, vanadium, Mn, Mg, Salts, Iron )
Ramp up the conductivity ?
Gravimeter also entails....
Several other tests based on - MASS using gravity.
Conductivity + Resistence.
Do read.
Which routes right back to begining of post,
Carbon family group, and Metalloids
with in graphitics... could be a super conductor multielement made by nature
Under valued based on nature put the work into making it
having expensive refractories formulate
Especially if carbon family and metalloids are already superb conductors.
It has made me rethink why.... US could be so interested in, natural graphite
Ketucky Coal ( which requires expensive proceedures to pull the carbon from coal.
Which can emit CO2.
Thus.... graphite deposits should be.... calued far more than what is.
Own opinion.
Guys... you're too kind.
I just like sharing what i know or learn.
Hoping it helps the junior.