RE:RE:RE:WowI think he does have a reason. A liquidation of a portfolio of an INDIVIDUAL. Possibly triggered by the CG rules that kicked in on the 25th (Friday was the last day to trigger gains under old regime). He clearly does not think it was manipulation, shorting, or a fund.
He hints at something else that I think was responsible. An estate sale!
My take? Who would own so many mining names???? He says around 162??? My best guess ia and OLD SCHOOL MINING GUY!!!! Someone with big $$$$ who was around A LONG TIME and would have had their affairs set up with a trust for estate purposes!!!!
So if it is someone who has passed, and the beneficiaries finally decised to trigger the gains cuz of June 25th CG changes, my two guesses would be Ned Goodman and Pat Sheridan.
Now, it could be someone who is ALIVE! Trust still in place while living as they would have been for Ned and Pat. Who would own 162 names? Top of list would be Uncle Eric. But many others are possible.
Also possible its someone we never heard of who had/has big $$$ and had a junior mining portfolio on the side..............
I havent looked at all the names..........but of the ones that I personally noticed, gotta be an old time mining investor thats been around forever
rockport1 wrote: John Kaiser discusses the 11:32 event from last Friday on his podcast. The sell algo hit 168 companies according to his research. He doesn't have any clear reason, but his discussion is interesting.
rockport1 wrote: There was a coordinated set of sell orders across much of the resource sector today at 11:32 ET. It is quite bizarre that it all took place at the same time. Perhaps it was some attempt to manipulate the market down? It could also be related to the triple witching hour today, although that shouldn't really affect the juniors. Anorther reason could be the change taking place in the Cdn tax code on Jun25.
Check your other stocks; many will show the same 11:32 sell off.
NineLives wrote: Someone just smashed the stock down to $1.01, not high volume to get it there only 100k and then it shoots straight back up to $1.30. Hilarious, or is TUO on the cusp of it's spin out ?
Crazy trading range and all before lunch ! Something is coming.