RE:Morgan Noble....noithing SchMOE can say about me would bother kno why...because anyone here with a pulse, including the SchMOE, knows that on my very worst day....I will always be far superior to him ....IN EVERY WAY... on his best day. Notice he never comes after me on the boarda...He is scared, but runs to mommie and says "he said something mean to me remove his post." I like when the GREAT TRUMP say "Go home to Mommie" at his rallies....That laways makes me chuckle and the leftists cringe. I agree with you on the Veren comments Nolbe....there you go stockhouse I mentioned Veren on the Veren board....You happy now???? I saw your post Noble and replied, but they both got axed at the same time. I put mine back up though....fwiw. Working on pit in the ground money