Whether it's DJT, biden, trudeau or any "installed" President or Prime Minister representing whichever political party administering over the affairs of any Western World member state at any given point ; such long ago thoroughly corrupted and outright bought and paid for marionettes are all the same kind and quality of peas in a pod, so to speak.
It's amusing when people argue over such kinds of domestic political issues.
I am not permitted to hold any political allegiance.
Policticians are like condoms, they are employed when necessary and then properly discarded after use; and DJT, biden ET AL are certainly no exception.
The only thing you can trust about any politician is the kind, quality and quantum of leverageable dirt which you maintain access to and keep others away from discovering and divulging during a prescribed interval.
Anywho, back to the never ending and quite timely ramped up U.S. and Western world member state oligarchs representataives (a.k.a. the Kompromat riddled marionettes) abetted economic war at hand and how it could all play out.
Does anybody really know precisely what results when China's leadership is pushed toward and incessantly goaded by the powers that be into deploying, in measurable response of course, "nuclear tactics" type weapons of mass geoeconomic and geopolictical destruction?
History would inform the uninformed of what precisely could follow.
Were one to liken what China is doing today in response to U.S. led and Western World member states pursued and coordinated aggressions to that which Egypt's leadership (Gamal Abdel Nasser) did during 1956, in response to western world nation states refusing to finance the Aswan dam project, i,e, the nationalizing by Egypt of the Suez Canal, you would soon discover where this is all heading.
Historical account would inform you that outright physical wars amongst nations are preceded by economic wars.
The U.S. controlling oligarchs can fight their preferred economic war now and only now; doing so whilst seeking to drag China into a long planned, engineered and incessantly orchestrated U.S. proxy (namely Taiwan) war. Just as had been achieved with U.S proxy Ukraine (the sins of the "kompromat" father would be visited upon the son). They do so now because within 10 years the oligarchs controlled U.S. geoeconomic and geopolitical empire would be a mere remnant in comparison to that which is assuredly rising to replace said empire.
Soon, you won't be thinking of your investment in Northern Graphite Corporation; you'll be thinking about all your equity investments.
Cash is always king; and physical gold bullion is for now better for the portfolio than a just about near dead graphite miner - i.e. if you want to call NGC a graphite miner much longer.