It is too bad about Royal and LeoI have never witnessed an exhibition by nonshareholder posters of exhibiting such a devoted display of emotional bias promoting the failure of a public Canadian company at any time over the years.
Although one can easily conclude that leo never was even qualified to offer any qualified impartial perspectives, Royal was/is the big disappointment for his total lack of impariality when evaluating risk. Unfortunately, based on his core premises of predictive failure he now finds that he is the one grasping at straws. Hoping, wishing, dreaming that something will occur that hampers any degree of YFIs` future success.
I often wonder how much time he dreams that his neighbor will be fired from his job; his garden will be destroyed by rain or hail; or his investments for retirement will be wiped out by a market crash. Do you think his neighbor is aware of these thoughts when Royal greets him in the morning with "Have a good day?"