Stringing us along....that is what management is doing to us. Nothing moves this stock up ; even good NR .
What a joke; same old same old but expecting a different outcome that would be advantages to us SH. NOT HERE AT ABCOURT !!
The only reason I am here is because my average price purchase is at around .04 cents ; so someone would say your sticking aroubd for the miracle moment . TRUE !! But not expecting much from the clowns . AS A MATTER A FACT EXPECTING THE WORST POOSIBBLE SCENARIO ; THEY DO A R/S FOLLOWED BY A PP AND THAN THE STOCK GOES BACK DOWN AGAIN AND WE ARE TRAPPED AGAIN. WASH /RINSE/REPEAT !!
Worst stock ever !! Keep in minnd that there are SH that have been around this BS Stock for 20 years and ask them how much money they made. Only the insiders have made money and it will stay that way; the intention is clear .
Just to bad ; managment did not meet my expectations !!