Trump Survives Assassination AttemptCatalysts that move markets?
No one knows how, but one thing is sure; financial markets will be volatile in the coming weeks. Even as he was being carried away, ex-Prez DJT was pumping his fist and shouting something which, with my feeble talent to lip-read, I interpreted as "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. Who knows how his followers will react to his command. It is likely to become a hot, hot , summer and not just from climate change.
Olympics to commence in two weeks in Paris, not the most stable venue given the recent elections.
Republican Convention for next Monday in Milwaukee.
Bibi addresses the US Joint House, where no doubt he will be feted with standing ovations. But will he succeed in dragging Uncle Sam into a full fledged war against Iran? He is hopeful, as he launches into Lebanon.
Ukraine is running out of troops and on the ropes but NATO keeps insisting that Zelenski will prevail. Now that's one helluva mess.
MBS threatens to dump eurobonds if Europe proceeds with this totally illegal attempt to grab Russia's billions. Do you blame him if he's thinking, "Are my billions next?"
Stay tuned.
And enjoy the great weather, at least here in southern Ontario, while it lasts.