History of Taranis Resources ExplorationInteresting find: 120 years in the making:
Exploration and Mining in British Columbia, 2014
Information Circular 2015-02
The Thor property (Fig. 26; Taranis Resources Inc.) is underlain by a thick succession of folded and faulted rocks of the Badshot Formation and Lardeau Group, with potential for stratiform base metal sulphides (Ag-Pb-Zn-Au-Cu). Primary stratiform mineralization predates folding and faulting, and parallel horizons of galena, chalcopyrite, pyrite, and sphalerite extend along a 2 km strike length. High-grade gold is also found in late quartz veins that flank sulphide deposits. A number of targets have been identifi ed on the property, including the Scab, SIF, Gold Pit, Mega Gossan, West Limb, and the Ridge Target, which appear as VLF conductors and gossans. In 2014, Taranis followed up on 2013 work with EW sized core drilling at the SIF zone, where visible gold occurs in quartz-ankerite veins, and discovered mineralization at the SIF Carbon zone. An initial shaker table test from the SIF Carbon zone yielded a sulphide concentrate that graded 512.4 g/t Au and 540 g/t Ag. The company plans to conduct bulk sampling in 2015 at the SIF and SIF Carbon zones, and the Broadview, Great Northern, and True Fissure stockpiles. The NI 43101 resource estimate (2013), based on drilling of 152 holes between 2007 and 2008, highlights both open-pittable (62% of the property) and underground mining projects. Historic production on the property was from the Silvercup, Triune, Nettie L. and True Fissure mines.