RE:IDEA PART 2 Wangotango67,
You are simply trying too hard to fool would be NGC "minority" equities investors into believing there is something there, there, so to speak.
Hughes Jacquemin, Greggory Bowes ET AL collectively already fleeced we intentionally targeted and repeatedly lied to NGC equities investors.
Hugues Jacquemin has habitually lied to we existing NGC.V equities investors. At this juncture, I certainly don't expect anybody could believe Hugues Jacquemin ET AL as far as they could throw any of them.
Should you believe him, he would insure you come to regret doing so.
Hugues Jacquemin ET AL know what they always intended to do here with NGC and these graphite bearing lands assets, milk this company dry.
We note the historical graphite reserve at Lac des Illes is soon to be entirely depleted, which is something materially important that Hugues Jacquemin, Greggory Bowes ET AL actively sought to hide from NGC "minority" equities investors since before the LDI mine was purchased by NGC and intentionally for the longest time afterwards.
This company's officers and directors intentionally hadn't sought to find and sufficiently "prove up" what is said to be merely a preliminary mineralization estimate at LDI, i.e. intentionally not until a good while after the graphite price boom took place and was over. That was all intentional on the part of Hugies Jacquemin ET AL, a.k.a. "The Missionaries On Assignment".
For God sakes! Hugues Jacquemin was seemingly incessantly speaking, especially during interviews and at any opportunity he had to do so, to locking down graphite material offtake purchase agreements with automotive manufacturers and/or their respective battery cells manufacturing partners; doing so at the time whilst knowing all along that NGC Lac des Illes graphite material simply hadn't yet been qualified as battery grade graphite material. Hugues Jacquemin ET AL certainly didn't emphasize for would be NGC 'minority" equities investors at that time such a particular fact whilst he was lying all along.
Do you still want to keep trying to fool people into expecting there is something there, there Wangotango67?
What's your name? Pav Jordan or something, lol!