VOLT STING 50% shared profits online profits Volt controls ?
17 tonnes but only use large flake = reduces much of the usable tonnage.
The magic of a simple word change.
Anode to ----------> ELECTRODE
That simple.
Condensed graphite or carbon electrode with casing to prevent decomposition.
Place electrodes in water -------> you're now in the Hydrogen economy.
Same electrode with no casing.
Same process ---------> electrodes naturally decompose and bond with water
= Methan Gas ( building blockchain of Nat Gas )
= Gas Energy Company
One step further.... convert methane to methanol.....
You just made a fuel that emits 95% less CO2
= You're a Fuel company ( ships ----> montreal harbor, transport industry )
Best part.... wouldn't need much tonnage.
Hence - get your 17 tonnes back and do it yourself GEM
Better to hire ( 1 ) new member than five up 50%
= Shareholders reap 100%