RE:TRUMP speech at RNC was RED MEAT for Republicans onlydeepoil0808 wrote: I listened to the speech of TRUMP at the RNC. There were rumours that he would call for unity and represent all of America.
He started off very sombre, looking shaken up or traumautized. He described the terrible event at length and said that it was very painful for him to repeat.
I could empathazie with him. Then he moved on to his regular speech and it was nothing more than red meat for his party. He repeated stolen elections, bogus witch hunt, weaponizing justice, incompetence, Nancy Pelosi stealing election, etc...
He cannot help himself. I think his wife Melania is fed up and wants him to be neutral and represent everyone. She is probably afraid for her son Bannon, who did not even show up. On stage she finally showed up with Trump and barely spoke to him or, held his hand. He had to push a kiss on her. It is obvious that there is marriage issues.
The speech was very long and at the end of it, all he said catered to Republican base. There was nothing for independents or frustrated Democrats.
For example: Trump calls Green technology, NEW GREEN SCAM and, prefers to drill baby drill.
How can any independent vote for him who is concerned with the climate change, when TRUMP wants to bring USA back to the cave days of oil cars.
I think for this reason, BIDEN or whoever will run, will WIN.
And they did a fact check, the mountain of lies is just staggering. I do not think that he knows how to say the truth.
Try to reconcile this, he had a singer on stage, singing black metal music, wearing a big cross around his neck and, then FIRES OF HELL on the background screen, all before a Christian crowd.
Good Luck
Seems like you are starting to see risks ?
Or do you still think Surge is zero risk ?