RE:RE:RE: I think we'd fare better with a reverse split There is no bid. There is no deal. And clearly there is NO cash! There is a nonbinding expression of interest from a pink sheets related company./ As you know i never understood by AMK got involved with them!
from the nr its clear they have no $$$$...........but in a pink sheets kinda way think they can rains a few hundred million with an imaginary token!!!!!
Let suspend reality and accept that Cunninsham can issue hundreds of millions of token. It is on the back of TC resources in the ground! So if thats the case, why doesnt AMK issue the tokens to cover part of the current resource in the ground and pay out the proceeds as a divident to shareholder BUT WE CONTINUE TO HOLD OUR INTERET IN TC!!!!! Why would we give ALL THE UPSIDE TO CUNNINSHAM?????? Cunninsham is proposing to issue the tokens but still own the 20% of TC!!!!
Another thing to ponder: Cunninsham currently has no disclosed assets of substance, certainly not any with a 43-101 compliant report!!!! Yet they think they can raise a few hundred million from imaginary tokens to buy AMK? gonna raise it on a contingency basis??? it just typical pink sheets tail chasing imho
all imho.....
Stockmoves1 wrote: Payable in Cash it will be as it is a loan / I hear you buying TUD at 1.50 because in essence 1.50 is still a discount to .43 and keeps you in the game.. The only question is as always where will the market be at .. where will Gold be at?? and when do we get the cash.. I doubt b4 October.