RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE: I think we'd fare better with a reverse split Your numbers are in the right area (a tad low) when averaged out. It cost him about $2.5 Mil back in the fall of 2019.
AMK vetted Cunningham Mining and their potential lenders before they accepted the LOI and then presented it to the public. AMK is confident in Cunninghams ability to fufill it's proposed obligations.
I suspect Sprott is on-board with accepting something in the --range-- of $0.43. He is in the business of investing/trading to make a profit (rinse and repeat).
Cunningham recently made their intent to purchase AMK public a few weeks after AMK accepted the LOI (think about that for a minute).
Of course the timing of everything on the table is interesting since soon to be released news and results look favorable for the TC project. The results could easily "bid-up" the proposed offer with Cunningham or, chum the water for a larger fish. AND, if anyone is expecting to see $2.00 on the table, sure, in the next 5-10 years! Take the offer that is being presented now. What we know for sure is that the lowest pay-out (IN CASH) for this proposal is going to be at least a double bagger at today's SP and negotiating the price higher is a very real possibility.