RE:RE:Predictions Hi BBDB859,
Thanks for referring to me as Snowey the common man. I like that. I would rather stand with the common man (farmer, truck driver etc.) than a lot of the WOKE types out there.
You refer to Trump as stupid, an imbecile, a leader of his religious cult. (cult leader is a new one for me). Basically, the bogeyman. Do you really believe what you are saying? You mean the guy who beat Hillary, the guy with a beautiful wife, the billionaire is stupid?
Two stories:
Story one.
I was on a road trip in the US two weeks before election in 2016. Six states, New York to Wisconsin. I did not pay much attention to politics at the time. Driving. Radio on. All local stations supporting Trump. Signs supporting Trump everywhere. One town I arrived in had a Trump rally. People marching in support of Trump. I looked at the people. They looked normal. Like professionals, small business owners, etc. Smiling. In good humor. Enthusiastic. Polite.
I said to myself “I thought Trump supporters were supposed to be red necks with buck teeth”. That night in the motel I watched the legacy media on TV. CNN etc. A very different version. They were telling me that Trump was the bogeyman and his suporters were deplorable.
Story two.
Later I watched Trump doing a presentation and a press conference. 90 minutes. The border, the economy, international relations. 14 subjects one after the other. No teleprompter. Then taking questions from the press. I thought he was very smart.
That evening on the legacy media they did a report on the press conference. They said he was an idiot. So, I said to myself “why are they calling him am idiot”? Oh, I see. He does not agree with them therefore he is an idiot. Then they said he is a racist. So, I said to myself “why are they calling him a racist”? Oh, I see. They said COVID and he said China, therefore he is a racist.
Sorry, buddy. Not the bogeyman
Snowey, the common man.