S AFRICA - 39% MINING STAKE - BLACK OWNED Gratomic Quote - ( Aukam graphite )
We expect Aukam to become profitable within 12 months of commencing production.
Cayman funder 5% over 5 yrs
Suntech labs 50%
TM2 % ?
Nambia ? 28 % ( let's suppose 28 % ) S Africa's original befotre they bumped it to 39 %
83 %+ possibility - dependent on what TM2 takes
If Nambia Gov matches S Africa's 39 %
= 94 %+
This Linked In post originates from, Nambia.
Pointing out S Africa's Black stake of, 39 %
What's on Nambia's mind ?
Reform is needed in the Critical Minerals Industries.
I'd hate to calculate a Canadian mine under new green policies and tech involvement.
Junior explorers have the minerals.
Without the critical minerals - nothing can happen.
Yet... Junior's and small investors are not reaping the investment rewards.
Newly developed tech industries, Gov's, and other Stakeholders are wanting
far too much - lesving pret near nothing for others.
The amount of investment placed into new tech firms is staggering.
Even more, the funding of employees at tech firms all the more.
Most of this tech, research will never come to fruition.
Bad economics.
Math is stacked on one side.
If i were to show you the number of tech firms and new start up and employees hired
all over the world - you would be asking the same question as i,
Whose flipping the bill to sustain it all ?
Where's the money coming from besides Stakeholders ?
Public Taxes ?
If so... where's the public stake ------> points right back to public listed compsnies.
Yet... no value is assigned to the critical mineral deposits. ( stock )
The Greatest Fault ?
Not assigning an in situ value to measured deposits
If monies were spent to, find the resource that in itself is a feate.
Proving the resource all the more.
Yet... in situ mineral values are not being applied to the resources.
Investors are being short changed.
Example -
Graphite Spot - $700/t - $1000 ( basic graphite ) (not high grade crystolite )
In Situ value based on, inferred, Measured, Indicated, Proven, Probable, Bankable
Allot an in situ value to junior who proves up deposit.
$850 x 10 % ( in situ ) value
= $85 / tonne
x 550,000 tonnes
= $46,750,000 in situ value ( applied against shares outstsnding )
This is how it should be.
Factoring cost to find, prove, carry, reports, etc...
Yet... it's not being recognized
New Green System has far too many players.... not enough to go around.
Who ever developed the plan was not understanding the costs associated.
Original system was already maxed out.
Even excluding investors,
we can see that the economics are doomed to fail.
Too many players. Tech wanting far too llarge of portion ( top of post )
Yet.. if not for the resources - there can't be any tech end product.
Thus the resource value must be given respect and value it deserves.
Let's see an in situ value for the critical resources.
Please and Thank you.