Re Re- Oct 8 proph/gagnon said - We will hold you to your bashing as AEZS has said scale-up to 50L is "almost completed" after multiple trial production runs, delighted shareholders with the prospect of expectations of its first Health Canada approved product near at hand, and now scheduled a conference presentation before engineers on "scaleable production". Given the 5X scale-up is meaningful enough for a Health Canada approved product, and that they expect to double that scale-up to 10X or 100L by the end of the year and given the low market cap, the 5X and 10X scale-ups are meaningful. AEZS could run multiple 100L facilities and produce a number of high value products.
The only reason I am bashing is because gagnon's word is not worth the paper it is printed on. The 50L scale was touted by gagnon to be completed at the end of 2023 and as per yours/gagnon it is still not completed.The 100L scale up was promised around the end of Q2 2024 and it has not even been started. THIS IS NOT BASHING IT IS TRYING TO HOLD gagnon ACCOUNTABLE FOR WHAT HE SAY, JUST ASKED OATS ON HOW MUCH gagnon WORDS CAN BE TRUSTED.