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Northern Graphite Corp V.NGC

Alternate Symbol(s):  NGPHF

Northern Graphite Corporation is a Canada-based flake graphite producing company. The Company is focused on producing natural graphite and upgrading it into high-value products critical to the green economy, including anode material for lithium-ion batteries/electric vehicles (EVs), fuel cells and graphene, as well as advanced industrial technologies. Its mining operations include Lac des Iles, Okanjande and Bissett Creek. Its products include Flake Graphite Products and Porocarb Products. The Lac des Iles (LDI) mine is the only flake graphite producer in North America. The LDI mine is located approximately two kilometers south of Lac-des-Iles, Quebec, 110 kilometers (km) northeast of Ottawa and 180 km northwest of Montreal. The Okanjande mining is located in Namibia, one of Africa's finest mining jurisdictions. It holds a 100% interest in the Bissett Creek Project, which is located around 15 km from the Trans-Canada Highway between the towns of Deep River and Mattawa, Ontario.

TSXV:NGC - Post by User

Post by Wangotango67on Jul 29, 2024 1:28am
Post# 36152109

RESOLVE ? ( instate in situ resource value )

RESOLVE ? ( instate in situ resource value ) Many CM projects are valued at significant discounts.  ( politely stated )
Yet.. how did this happen ?

One can't point the finger at CM spot prices,
each of the minerals ( cept few ) have responded quite well. 

   I figure it happens in 5 distinct ways,
- subtely, over time, shorting stocks ( junior's no revenues resource rich ) valued under $5
- no in situ stock value assigned to - in situ resources ( find, prove, carry ) 
- stocks held at suppressed valuations = allows more control
- new CM format, diff funding, too many % players involed, nothing for sm shareholders.
- some situations, CM spot prices don't reflect true values based on, avail stockpiles

  Resolve ?
- enforcing an in situ base value for, finding the resource, proving up resource,
   carry costs of maintaining resources.

If in situ values were practiced ( just like gold oz in the ground ) junior CM stocks
would then have a level playing ground to, keep advancing, maintain value.

Example ?
$1,000  ton spot price ( graphite )
x 10% in situ value
= $100 ton  based on inferred  ( $120 / measured  etc...)

500,000 tons x $100 / ton
= $50,000,000  ( can't go below ) backed by in situ value
~ 100,000,000 million shares out
= $0.50 cent stock

  Positives ?
- juniors can utilized public placements to keep advancing. after all, it's public markets.
- dilution is minmized ( few shares to sell, easier, to advance, public value maintained
- level playing ground  vs  one sided near forced funding paths that ask for further discounts

$ 0.50 cent pp would only need 3 million shares
= $ 1,500,000 

Would restore investor confidence, guarsnteed in situ value.
Would repair overall market exchange values.
Country's rating restored.
Brings stability to, economy.

Have investor's been slowly conditioned to think...
resources in ground are of no value ?
I would say, yes.

An opinion.


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