Its not a matter of being right. We've known since begining of March that TUD had approx $7M as of Dec 31.
We know that in the past few years TUD has spent $22M o $25M a year on exploration and develpment and that overhead runs around $5M a year. We also know most exploration money is spent SPring and SUmmer.
SO no surprise that they did not burn a lot of cash in Calendar Q1 (ending March 31) and nice to the $1.8 million tax credit come in along with the $1.5M in option exercise at 30 cents. Neither of those sources of cash will happen again anytime soon (short of TUD more than doubling in price and some people early exercisng warratns/options................but youd likely need to get to over $2 to spur any interest).
So where does that leave us? $7M to fund 2024 program and 2024 overhad. That is nowhere close to enough imho...................TUD will need to raise $$$$$............if they think they can push the envelopme and wait for high grade assays all the power to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but if the assays dont come out soon, gonna hit a death spiral imho........
all imho
karlschranz wrote: At some point, even you will be right. You have been writing since the beginning of May that Tudor has no more money.