It is what it is Poet stabilizing in a new range of $4-ish is certainly far different from daytraders wishing $1.75 and $3 recently. Their sabateurish predictions were self-serving and did not work. Moral of story is no one really knows what the share price will be in the next moment. That's what free markets are all about. Be wary of daytraders talking their book on financial chat sites as they are very competitive. If you oppose them, they post the most incredible nonsense about you with a fictitious gang of aliases to try and wear you down or make you go away. Ignore their self-serving noise.
Stay try to your own DD and remember, no one on the financial sites are trumpeting with their posts to save you from yourselves. They are likely trading to hope they have something to brag about so that for their insecurities and self-esteem. All the noise make to project their deficiencies to deride others is to compensate for the tremendous pressure they place upon themselves to trade where they likely lose much more than they brag about. A few weeks ago, some tried to fear monger people into believing a $1.75 share price was to be. Then their tea leaves suggested $3. So do they really know anything of value to you? You are better off to determine general trends and act on your own instincts and knowledge rather than getting influenced by those who need to constantly talk their book on financial chat sites.