Akita Drilling Price Target Raised to C$3.75/ShareObviously,there's the analyst at ATB Capital,myself and a handfull of small investors
who sees huge under appreciation in the value of this company.
The volume is low but again today, there are two customer hitting the bid.
It's once again National Bank(NA) and TD.
Until these 2 clients have finish their selling, there is no chance of Akita going up.
Today, it's all about Precision Drilling and Ensign.
It would have been nice to see Akita follow the other 2 but then again
i know that my shares in this company are worth well well more than
what they are trading at.
I am not the kind of investor looking for daily gratification and i am very
Whatever time it will take...I will be an Akita investor for as long as it take
to see this company trading at reasonable valuation.