Street smart opinion… BCE is the traditional Canadian monopolistic darling slipping in the same bed with the Canadian government just like AC , BBD.B to mention a few. Do you really think that BCE management will let this stock to go down, where prominent people like Larry Tannenbaum and others parked their estates?
Living on " no name " crescent in 1999 prior to internet bubble BCE brought an internet optic cable and left. Wow believe or not after 24 years they decided to pull the cable to every house. Not sure what happened someone by accident must have tripped over that cable. lol. After they finished BCE boys send the harrasers who worked on commission door to door to sell optic services. Almost every day for the months/ years someone was knocking on the doors what I consider home invasion and trespassing the property. If they would miss the day I would hear from them calling my phone. So yes,speaking of restructuring harassers completely disappeared and the most likely tones of their employees " working " from home. lol.
Now a little bit of Rogers & BELL business / customer history. They used to sell cable and home phone. Later they added the internet and wireless services charging unprecedented prices and playing the games with consumers. Some paying $85 a month for internet when next door neighbour would pay a half for the same service. Charging $ 90 for bundeled cable as I was watching maybe half of it. So here we go... Now the most of the money they can make is internet only since 80% of the country is watching IPTV illegally. Home phones disappeared and in wireless business facing a stiff competition. Only way they grow is by hostile takeover of new build condominiums and by growing population. I heard Rogers & BELL are crying to government about illegal IPTV but in this Mickey Mouse country called Canada with already weak laws not being enforced good like to them. Driving 2020 Toyota Highlander my insurance went up by $ 1500 as the Government , insurance companies and the car makers are unable/ not willing to stop the theft.
Emigrated from Czech Republic in 1988. In 1991 moved to North York now Toronto from St.Catharines. Back than Eglinton project was started still not finished. In 30 years one subways station Sheppard was built while in China in 25 years 42 thousands of high speed railway has been built. All we are doing is patching up the potholes and replacing concrete sidewalks while barely keeping up.
Bought BCE for $ 45.38 and LIF in TFSA collecting $ 1300 a year to pay for my Highlander insurance increase. I would like to see if the same b.s would happen in USA to get punished for driving the most stolen car.