Free Fallthis stock as we all know is tied to trumps hip. Whatever happens to trump so happens to this stock. Their last endevor has started off in free fall also with little if any streaming and no advertising. This will drain the coffers within months and will cause them to go back to the market for more money and lots of it billions likely. But that's the rub isn't it, who is going to put money into this if his campaign is in free fall like it is, the polls have reversed so quick it's never been seen before. It's always been said the country didn't want two old men running for office, now you see only one febal old man with cognative ability slipping fast and the electorat see this in his rallies that keep getting smaller and smaller. Half way through each of his rallies people start leaving like in Geotgia by the end of his rally he had less than a thousand still their. His campaign is imploding fast and so will this stock when the numbers start showing he will get crushed.