RE:RE:RE:RE:Lost money
You could have the greatest asset in the world, but unless you work hard to raise visibility we'll go no where. My nonstop complaint with PROBF is the lack of elbow grease from all the hammock swingers. Look at the executive compensation of everyone. Absolutely mind blowing that they keep handing out stock to all these turds.
Board: Salary - share based compensation - Total
David Palmer
675,700 - 509,608 - 1,185,308
Yves Dessureault,
432,300 - 288,324 - 720,624
Patrick Langlois
380,800 - 263,601 - 644,401
Marco Gagnon
353,700 - 260,622 - 614,322
Jamie Sokalsky, Chairman of the Board 115,000 294,226 409,226
Gordon McCreary, Former Director 25,000 145,870 170,870
Basil Haymann, Former Director 25,000 145,870 170,870
Jamie Horvat, Director 82,000 145,870 227,870
Dennis Peterson, Corporate Secretary, Director 50,000 145,870 195,870
Aleksandra Bukacheva, Director 74,000 165,625 239,625
Renaud Adams, Director 37,500 83,772 121,272
Total 2,251,000 2,449,258 4,700,258
While Probf lists and sways in the battering tide, these fat cats collect crazy compensation. Most of these turds do absolutely nothing to raise shareholder value. It's been like that for a long long time. So much so, that a good chunk of monies raised, which dilure all us longs, are used to pay compensation.
If a positive news release falls in the woods and no one hears it fall, did it really fall?
You want to really get your blood boiling, go look at how much stock these fat cats have handed out to each other over the years. Nothing raising shareholder value
Get out of your ivory towers and start providing value