So what now? In today’s marketplace, Investor time horizons are generally pretty short.
Today’s investors are looking towards five (5) and 10 year investment windows and probably more towards the five (5) year side honestly.
Capital just moves around a whole lot more than it used to decades ago when investment positions tended to be longer held than they are today.
There’s been so much dynamism in the economy and so much rapid growth in things like the tech sector that capital is less patient than it used to be and consequently, investors time horizons are relatively short in today’s marketplace.
As energy becomes more in demand as more of the world lifts itself out of poverty, you will see absolute energy demand going up and up and up and up and I don’t think that’s going to stop. And the sources that we will pull from and we will need to pull from will demand significant capital intensity. And sometimes they will necessarily have long investment return windows.
Battery materials is a long return window on investment. It doesn’t look like five (5) years. You’re not investing your money and getting yourself whole and making a nice return on your investment in a five (5) year window with many battery energy investments including within the cathode active materials space.
That’s an important reality to appreciate especially as investment timescales are going to continue to grow over time for larger parts of the energy mix and will affect supply and demand balances and therefore energy price as a whole.
Nano One is a fantastic investment. But consideration of investment time horizons remains very important. Despite the fact than many have been invested in Nano One for many many years, the time horizon for Nano One’s success is better measured on the order of decades rather than in years.
And that’s what makes Nano One such a fantastic investment. There is absolutely no rush. Sentiment and momentum will move Nano stock price around like a volatile roller coaster. Traders will have great fun. And eventually, fundamentals will take over and investors will reap the rewards. This investment will deliver great returns. Just understand that if your investment time horizon is five (5) years from today, you might be setting yourself up for disappointment. But if you truly believe in Nano One and their process technology; And can wait 10 years; Your patience will likely be handsomely rewarded.
Good luck to all the longs.