mcssupt: last year I love love loved CEU. But it's more thandoubled. It was trading at 30% free cashflow, with no nebt debt as hudge workling capital exceeded debt they had. And they provided fluids for drilling, which weren't impacted by the drop in the number of rigs, as they made money on the number of feet drilled and thus benefited by hihger intensity levels. But I have recently sold, as, free cashflow yield is 12%. I also loved PHX which already moved, as they had close to 30%. free cashflow, but they've moved. My third love of last year was CEIX. Thermal coal company with net cash, and what was 30% free cashflow and were using all free cashflow to buy back shares. But they moved from50's to over $100.
Nothing out their to pound the table on now. I gamble with call spreads on US exchange.
But out of all the stock out there, nothing is close to as good as MCB. If you have the patience, load up now, and wait for 6-9-12 months. The risk vs reward here is obscentlly good. Given it is a tiny tiny microcap it is being compelltley ignored. And will likely get taken out for 250 mill or so, in a couple of years(5 banger) if their SMART products gain acceptance, which they likely will. It'ts all about risk vs reward. And forget about 5 banger. Even 50% upiside is a fantastic riisk adjusted invesment with such negligable downside risk, given EV of $12 millioon if you back out liguid assets (positive working capital)twith no debt. And free cashflow--ignoring working capital fluctutions--of what? 4 million in the last quarter alone. There is nothing like it. This is simpley the best investment out there.