TLT-Ruvidar is alone...In this link... Under '' Duration of response''.
It said '' Duration of response(DoR) is defined as the time from randomization to disease progression or death in patients who achieve complete or partial response... DoR is useful in assessing treatments that promise durable response and delay disease progression as opposed to treatments that provide a temporary remission without lasting benifit''.
All the FDA approved treatments for the same type of difficult patients that TLT is treating....Adstiladrin, Keytruda, CG007,N-803+BCG, are all continous treatments, you have to take these treatments for as long as you can tolerate them.After you stop these treatments(or develop resistance), the cancer can come back(in short they all provide temporary remission without lasting benifit).
1) TLT has the highest ''Duration Of Response 44%'' of all the above treatments.
2) TLT-Ruvidar is a not a temporary treatment, it is a one and done treatment.
3) TLT-Ruvidar has a big edge over all the FDA approved treatments for BCG resistant patients.
4) In short TLT-Ruvidar is alone ....
I can't wait to see what is the $value that a Big Pharma will give for this unique one and done TLT-Ruvidar treatment.