BewareThey only own 7% of that paper strip company that they paid millions for and only because the CEO is already a shareholder in the company. Basically using shareholder funds for his own pursuit. We don't even know how much this company makes and there's nothing about the company online to look up. The value of the paper strip company is only based on the sales. Why pay so much for paper strips with chemicals at the tip of the paper. They could have produced their own brand and saved a quick million. In Vancouver addicts have 100's of places to go to get test strips for free paid by the province. Addicts don't buy those products. Only teens and 20 somethings would by those and the market is already covered with companies such as ( Basically a BS promotion with money thrown into the abyss.
Why do you think it got beaten down as ,low as 1/2 of a cent?