Do you know where one can access a recording of the annual general meeting? I would like to know precisely what was said by Hugues Jacquemin ET AL.
You stated "2 The January 18 presentation to shareholders was another time I should have sold every single share I owned the next day. Just watching Hugues read from a written document his message to shareholders was painful.
My wife told me after viewing that presentation with me that HUGUES WAS NOT CEO MATERIAL."
Hugues Jacquemin et al were deathly afraid of being sued, due to his habit of embelishing and previously outright stating lies. We note the regulatory authorities even made Hugues Jacquemin ET AL refrain from repeating the false claims regarding the falsely suggested amount of graphite reserves at the Namibian graphite property. They got caught lying to would be NGC.V equity investors and existing NGC.V equities investors. That is likely why "a script" was suggested to be strictly followed by NGC officers and directors during said presentation to shareholders. They didn't want to give we defrauded equities investors any more evidence (there is abundant supporting evidence none the less) than they had (Hugues Jacquemin ET AL had) previously provided.
Some would suggest they invariably act like sun of emale canines.