TRUMP speech in Pennsylvannia was JUST AWFUL....I watched the TRUMP speech that was done on August 17th (Saturday) in Pennsylvannia.
He was supposed to follow the script and speak of the economy. He spoke for 1hr 48minutes and he went off script, not interested in speaking on the economy.
Trump was mentally violent and the filth coming out of his mouth is just unreal for someone who is 78 years old. To mock people in such a cruel manner is beyond me. Name calling, mocking their laughter, insulting their heritage, scape goating people, lying, expose hate and mental violence, etc...
He presented NO AGENDA of his own except the whine like a spoiled baby who is not getting what he wants. His narissitic sickness is not doing him any favors and she is unable to see clearly that he is his own worst enemy.
He constantly lies on everything, he constantly divides people, he constantly spews hate towards people....
When is America going to wake up and see that Trump has no Christian values but rather Satanic ones.
How can people actually accept this type of conduct? What is sad is not that Trump may be severely ill mentally but that 50% of America finds him okay. What does that say about their society?
And these poor children seeing this type of conduct, growing up in a world where they see that it is okay to hate people because they are different, what message is sent to them?
Cannot wait for November 5th for elections to be over and for Harris to be President and for the TRUMP nightmare to finally end.
And to think that Elon Musk supports him? Where is his mentally...!!!
Good Luck,