These events eventually do add up to helping our situation This Thursday, the Chubut Legislature approved the accession to the RIGI large-scale investment
incentive regime, but maintained the veto on mining.
It therefore became the fourth province to comply with the regulations, just as Ro Negro, Jujuy and
Mendoza have already done. After a debate lasting almost 5 hours, the Chubut parliament gave
the green light to Governor Ignacio Torres' project in line with that approved by the National
Congress as part of the Bases Law.
However, while provinces where it has already been approved, such as Jujuy and Mendoza etc
and where projects are advancing (e.g. Salta, Catamarca) aimed to attract large mining
investments, in Chubut (mining) activity and the use of cyanide will continue to be prohibited, an
aspect that even had the support of libertarians to exclude from the text.