Press releaseThe USFS permits are a huge step forward. The easy stuff which does not require drilling or mining through the Hercules rhyolite cover rock is on USFS land. You can see from all of the geochemical soil maps that the porphyry is eroding away at surface on the eastern half of the property (it was up faulted relative to the western half of the property). Unanswered questions include A) How much of the eastern porphyry has been eroded away/how much of it is left?; B) What are the grades of the eastern half of the property?; D) how deep is the good stuff?: and D) does the hypogene enrichment blanket extend to the eastern half of the property? (the presence of Specularite Hematite suggests that it does).
There is still no word about assays. I suspect that first release is now pushed into September. The assay labs are very busy this time of the year and if Chris isn't paying extra for priority then to the bottom of the list he goes.