TLRY Book Value Book Value for any stock is easy to find, as long as you are trading through a bank and not a phone app.
Book Value is a fundamental value which is typically displayed in your "Research" tab or menu item. The value will be displayed in Dollars.
Price to Book Ratio will be displayed as a percentage of full value. Anything under 1 means the stock is trading under book. Anything above 1 is over book.
If you are using a phone app to trade short positions I would highly recommend understanding where book value is as selling short under book value isn't exactly a brilliant move IMHO.
If you make an effort to research and learn you will be better equipped for future trades and investments vs someone just framing out all the answers
Btw.. keep in mind, I'm holding for at least US legalization so while daytraders rush about I am simply monitoring movements for potential next add.
Best Regards
Long on TLRY