Note #4 To ManagementMuch has buffetted KTO's share price down to 9 pennies.
1) Mohave - Market is pricing in a year's delay while BLM counts butterflies on proposed drill sites.
Mohave property lies inside Death Valley National park.
Much bigger companies (BHP, Asamera) have abandoned these claims.
2) Wels - Victoria Gold's HLP disaster has changed the permitting, not to mention economics
of ALL these lower grade deposits. FOREVER. This is the 4th big recent environmental disaster
up there (after Yukon Zinc, Faro Zinc, and Minto Metals). BTW, the Coffee property hasn't caught
a bid.
3) Si2 - The Only property worth further work.
Yes I know, shoulda, woulda, coulda.
Doesn't matter.
Let's pivot and get going.