Very Interesting ReadWhile an insightful read for all, reading of this study would particularly benefit anyone who might still be sceptical of the potential for Venowave. You can skip to the discussion to read the final assessment by the researchers. It is extremely positive.,discomfort%20as%20mild%20or%20moderate. I got out of THRM after the AcuVid disaster and the failure of Rob to apply far more attention to Venowave which I felt was more of a game changer for both patients and investors. Yes, I had been in for the longterm and had been sitting on a large number of shares that were practically worthless. Got out in the green and I'm back in because with sound marketing and sales this, imho, should really take off ...not withstanding the vagaries of investing in any stocks, let alone penny stocks.
Do your own DD on the product, the team assembled and the overall state of the markets. Hopefully these first 2000 units will sell quickly which would relieve some of the concern of the high number of outstanding shares,
GLTE ...especially those who have held long!!! You deserve to be rewarded for your patience.