Capturing HeliumMilley and I are on a relaxing road trip into Eastend Saskatchewan and planning on a nice breakfast at The Blue Dog restaurant once it opens at 9:30 am this morning. We've had an eye-opening experience driving down here from Rosetown. You know, we got an eye full of those millions of acres of helium sitting there before us, just waiting for RHC to capture it. But we didn't even see one Helium capturer out there the whole time. You can't find better weather than what we have for capturing helium here in Saskatchewan but it would sure be nice to know if anything was accomplished or some progress made in August. September is just around the corner, Milley's raspberry harvest is a bumper crop this year, .........our helium crop? well no one really knows. But as Charts1 and StockInformer1 will let you know again, there's a huge market out there for helium and the price for it is soaring. And the longer we wait the price of helium will just get higher......dam, how can we get some of that Helium to sell? Enjoy the ending of summer and keep hoping for some actual progress with those millions of acres.