Director stock optionsSo riddle this Batman, Company sells last silver property for Fortuna Silver for Magical Beans, NSR and today anounce stock options on 6 million shares at a cent, one penny! They being the directors position themselves cheaper than the shareholders , sure the stock is offered at 1 cent but no real volume, So that 6 milion paper grant option is 9 percent of the float! As there is only 65 million out, what a way to paper yourself into a deal and get paid with the royalties from this recent deal and the one back 8 years ago, for 60,000 dollar exercise of the 6 million at a penny U take 9 percent control of the company at a cost waaay below those of boiled over shareholders the last 8 years, the Venture exchange should be called the Vulture exchange as the carcasses of shattered public shareholders get picked over by Greedy Directors who just cowboy their ways to pay and profit