Poor, poor Leo, everyone picks on youFor years leodevoe and his countless usernames have questioned the integrity, and competency of not only the management and staff of Edgewater Wireless, but of those peoples of organizations and companies they have chosen to engage with during its development.
Is leo that daft to believe that such conduct by himself should not be construed as a personal attack from him? Apparently not. Like so many of the people he emulates, he believes rules of conduct do not apply to him.
Take Dual Channel Wi-Fi for example. Leo has been invited countless times to refute the tested performance claims CableLabs made available to the public. These were test results depicting how this software enhanced the performance of legacy single channel wi-fi very significantly. The most comprehensive response to this invite to date from Leo has been to call it a "NOTHINGBURGER"
If this is not personal insult attacking Luther Smith and CableLabs what would Leo call it.
I could replicate countless other such personal attacks made by Leo, and have yet to hear the recipients of Leos` targets in those cases whine about it. The most likely reason why is because Leo sits so low on the academic spectrum of wi-fi expertise, that even if he chose to become public, no one globally would ever have heard his name mentioned, or care to now hear it again.
There you go little Leo, you now have some extra fodder to whine about.